Hijab Ban In Karnataka- Supreme Court Hearing- Day-2 -LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-09-07 07:47 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2022-09-07 09:24 GMT

Justice Gupta : How can we compare USA and Canada with India? We are a conservative society.

Kamat : Let good thoughts come from everywhere, as the Vedas say.

J Gupta : Their judgments is based on their society,their culture, we can't totally follow.

2022-09-07 09:23 GMT

Kamat refers to a US Supreme Court decision which allowed head scarf in employment.

2022-09-07 09:19 GMT

Kamat : The Court said it was a bona fide since religious belief and possibility of abuse cannot undermine it.

2022-09-07 09:18 GMT

Kamat : Ultimately the (SA) Court said State should promote it as a pagent of diversity and not see it as a "parade of horribles".

Justice Dhulia : Who said "parade of horribles?"

Kamat : State. This is the mini, midi, bikini argument.

2022-09-07 09:17 GMT

Kamat : The case is not about uniforms, it is about exemptions, it is about reasonable accommodation.

2022-09-07 09:17 GMT

Justice Gupta : Mr.Kamat, forget about South Africa, come to India.

Kamat : This judgment encapsulates my submissions in Indian law.

2022-09-07 09:16 GMT

Justice Gupta : All other countries have a uniform law for its citizens.

2022-09-07 09:15 GMT

Justice Gupta : Do you have the Constituton of South Africa?

Kamat : Some provisions are mentioned in the judgment.

J Gupta : In my understanding, there is no country as diverse as this.

2022-09-07 09:14 GMT

Kamat refers to SA judgment observations that tolerance is one of the virtues of Constitution and asking Sonali to choose another school will lead to marginalization of a minority.

2022-09-07 09:13 GMT

Justice Dhulia : If you see the South African judgment, there is a lot of emphasis on dignity.


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