LIVE UPDATES- Gujarat Riots Case- Supreme Court Hearing On Zakia Jafri's Plea Against Clean Chit To Narendra Modi

Update: 2021-11-11 05:15 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-11-11 06:17 GMT

Mr. Zammerunddin Shah was not investigated. Gill's statement not recorded. In a tragedy of this manner, police logs were destroyed, wireless destroyed. Why destroyed, who gave orders. Why was the Magistrate mute on these issues?

2021-11-11 06:17 GMT

sibal: Kindly have a look at page Milords 923, Landline phone calls were destroyed. Under whose instructions Jafri’s phone calls were destroyed. (Reluctance of SIT to investigate - Calculated design to shield and not punish the guilty.) Who is involved, what manner never been looked at.

2021-11-11 06:17 GMT

sibal: Each of these persons' call data was analysed. Milords straightaway skip to Pg 596 para 509. We found this out from call data record and all this ought to have been looked at and investigated pg 607 para 919 - Ashish Khaitan Statement. We got to know about this in 2007 when the sting was done. We had no information at that point in time (at the time of complaint).

2021-11-11 06:16 GMT

Sibal: As an accused he (Mr. Pandey) became DGP Gujarat. The journey from accused to DGP is a little disconcerting. He said he doesn't know anything. Tandon was on the spot and he had talked to him several times. Para 873

2021-11-11 06:16 GMT

What was the commissioner doing and why was he doing. We know what but we don't know why. That had to be investigated. He was sitting in his office all day long, he was not doing anything.

2021-11-11 06:16 GMT

Kindly come to 576. He (PC Pandey) is the commissioner. I will show you the graph. They were in office throughout, didn’t go out and had 3 conversation with the accused. This is scandalous. SIT has not investigated any of this.

2021-11-11 06:15 GMT

All this is analysed not dealt with. At 571 - Delinquency of public servants. SIT proposed departmental action against MK Tandon and Gondia. But, we don’t know what happened, Milords.

2021-11-11 05:47 GMT

Sibal : I am going to show to your lordships how the VHP people are talking to public prosecutors and prosecutors saying yes they had talked to them. What kind of investigation? What kind of trial?

2021-11-11 05:41 GMT

Sibal mentions that SIT head RK Raghavan was made the Ambassador for Cyprus later.

"All these people who "collaborated" were rehabilitated later. Raghavan was made Ambassador"- he says

2021-11-11 05:38 GMT

Sibal : The bodies arrive at 28th morning. But violence had already erupted in Ahmedabad. Kindly see the timing, timing is also given . This has all been analysed by us.


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