Farm Laws And Farmers Protest: Live Updates From Supreme Court

Update: 2020-12-17 07:10 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-12-17 07:51 GMT

Chidambaram : Which farmers organization has said that they will block the roads to Delhi? They want to come to Delhi.

2020-12-17 07:51 GMT

Chidambaram says it is not a "mob" but a group of farmers.

CJI : We did not use the term in a pejorative sense.

Chidambaram : It is the police who blocked the roads. Police cannot block the roads and blame farmers.

2020-12-17 07:50 GMT

CJI : It is not for the court to predict if the mob will turn violent. It depends on intelligence reports based on which the police acts. Whether the mob should be allowed to enter arrest must be left to the authorities to decide and not for the court to decide. 

2020-12-17 07:49 GMT

Chidambaram : Farmers have not blocked the roads. Farmers wanted to march to Delhi. Who has stopped them and blocked them? The police has blocked them. We see photos of barricades, containers 

2020-12-17 07:48 GMT

Chidambaram : When massive number of people think that a law is unjust, there will be massive protests. Remember what happened in US against Vietnam war, in Paris. 

2020-12-17 07:46 GMT

Chidambaram : But I have serious serious reservations with what Mr.Salve articulated on what can be done in a democracy. I hope your lordships will not go into those issues.

2020-12-17 07:45 GMT

CJI now turns to P Chidambaram who appears for State of Punjab.

Chidambaram : State has no objection to Court's suggestion that a group of people can facilitate a dialogue between farmers and Central Govt. 

2020-12-17 07:45 GMT

Solicitor General : Let there be some persons of eminence who can facilitate a dialogue. It is a question of sitting together with neutral people who can facilitate discussions.

2020-12-17 07:44 GMT

Rahul Mehra : This is a mischievous petition. The petitioners have not made Delhi Govt a party.

Solicitor General : This is not a platform for playing politics like Delhi vs Union.

2020-12-17 07:41 GMT

Salve : No my lord. Main arterial roads have been blocked.

Rahul Mehra (for Delhi Govt) : There are more than hundreds of arterial roads. I do not know where these figures are coming. Court should not accept these oral submissions if they are not on affidavit.


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