[LIVE UPDATES] Disha Ravi Case : Channel Editors To Ensure Editorial Control To Avoid Sensationalism, Delhi High Court Says

Update: 2021-02-19 05:14 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2021-02-19 05:40 GMT

ASG Chetan Sharma: It is the responsibility of the channel owners that the programmes don't violate the Programme Code, having said that, the petition is mostly focused on tweets. 

2021-02-19 05:39 GMT

Sr. Adv. Bhambhani for NBSA: They are not members with us. We just have 9 members. If they file a complaint we can take action. No such complaint filed.

Delhi HC: There is generally a misunderstanding about NBSA and NBA.

2021-02-19 05:36 GMT

Delhi HC: So you're official position is you haven't leaked and don't intend to?

ASG: Yes, to the extent that it is illegal.

2021-02-19 05:35 GMT

Delhi HC: These news channels are saying that they've got details from Delhi Police

, we understand we can't ask a journalist his source..

ASG: Whatever the journalist is saying cannot be taken as the Gospel Truth. In fact whatever is being reported also may not be true.

2021-02-19 05:33 GMT

Delhi HC: Mr. Raju have you had the occasion to go through the tweets?

ASG: I have not got copies of manu videos etc he's referring to. I need time till Monday, no press briefing till then.

Delhi HC: I am merely asking about the tweets. Are they genuine? 

2021-02-19 05:30 GMT

Sibal: The stage of arrest is over, investigation is ongoing, and it will culminate in any final report. Where is the occasion to share anything then? Hence I seek the relief. 

2021-02-19 05:30 GMT

Sibal: This memorandum has also been referred to by recent judgements, strict action on any deviation is prescribed. 

2021-02-19 05:29 GMT

Sibal: This memorandum has also been referred to by recent judgements, strict action on any deviation is prescribed. 

2021-02-19 05:29 GMT

Sibal reads out the Ministry of Home Affairs' Office Memorandum dated 01.04.2010, issuing an “Advisory on Media Policy of Police” for reporting on ongoing criminal cases.

2021-02-19 05:26 GMT

Sibal: Half-baked, speculative information about an ongoing investigation was being disseminated. 


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