LIVE UPDATES- Delhi Air Pollution: Supreme Court Hearing

Update: 2021-11-15 05:22 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2021-11-15 05:34 GMT

Mehta - Some has to be done by Municipal Corporation, State and traffic police. This road dust majorly contributes to the pollution. We have not directed shutting it (Badarpur plant) down because it has already been shut down. Every govt. is doing their best.

2021-11-15 05:30 GMT

Breaking: The contribution of stubble burning to Delhi's air pollution is 10%, Solicitor General tells Supreme Court.

2021-11-15 05:29 GMT

Very poor - Stop using diesel, enhance parking fees, increase bus and metro services, This is what we suggested to Delhi Govt. RWA to provide power heaters to stop open burning by them.

Moderate to poor - Garbage burning on landfills, Stringently control pollution control in thermal power plants

2021-11-15 05:28 GMT


Severe Plus - Entry of truck into delhi, Stop Odd even, Additional step of closing schools. Even Haryana GOvt has declared Work from home. They have stopped trash burning.

Severe- Stop Badarpur plant, double parking tickets by 3 times so that anyone travelling for any mandatory reason feel deterred.

2021-11-15 05:28 GMT

Bench - Mr. Mehta go on

Mehta - 3 steps . Preventive steps is for children

Bench - What happened to emergency meeting. We have received the affidavit.

Mehta - at pg 30. Situation in every state, every city would be different. This is graded suggestions we have prepared. It is gradually showing result.

2021-11-15 05:28 GMT

Bench - This is your suggestion or Delhi Govt.’s suggestion

Singh - There should be independent agency to handle farm fire

Bench - We are in the midst of a situation. Govt of India filed a comprehensive affidavit on 15.11. Let's focus whatis being done by Govt. Strengthen those activities so that we can get something on grounds. Let us see what SC has to say.

Singh - They have not anything other than making commissions.

2021-11-15 05:23 GMT

Court Assembled 

Vikash Singh - For this matter. I am for the Petitioner. As far as the stubble burning is concerned iN Punjab cases are not being reported. We have suggested an independent commission.

Bench - We are not concerned with the election. We have nothing to do with this (politics). If you suddenly suggest something what can we do. Mr. Mehta what steps have you taken.

Singh - Construction should be regulated than banned.


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