Covid19 -Oxygen Shortage: Delhi High Court Hearing-Live Updates

Update: 2021-04-22 09:05 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-04-22 11:11 GMT

Mehra: So how will people know, which beds are available and where? ICU beds, normal beds, no information there. The problem is, no matter who you are, you're not getting a bed.

2021-04-22 11:11 GMT

Court: Now we will deal with the question of hospital beds.

Mehra: The Union has said that it has increased the beds but at the ground level they haven't been handed over to us.

Court: What do you mean by handed over?

Mehra: They are not reflected on the App.

2021-04-22 11:10 GMT

Adv Sanjoli Mehrotra: The sample usually takes 6-8 hours for testing after which it has to go to ICMR. I'm being told that the time taken by ICMR has increased.

2021-04-22 11:03 GMT

Court notes that this measure is counter productive.

2021-04-22 10:58 GMT

Mehra: I'll immediately look into this, and we can take corrective measures.

2021-04-22 10:57 GMT

Court: The time given is not realistic, that's the problem.

2021-04-22 10:57 GMT

Court: The time given is not realistic, that's the problem.

2021-04-22 10:56 GMT

Court: We want to understand the logic of not increasing the time limit for releasing reports beyond 24 hrs.

Mehra: I am requesting, My Lords can let 24-48 hrs be. In exceptional cases, we can make adjustments.

2021-04-22 10:55 GMT

While hearing the issue of renewals for welfare payment to workers, Justice Vipin Sanghi remarks, "This country is being run by God."

2021-04-22 10:45 GMT

Court: We had directed that the ex-gratia amount of Rs.5,000 should be also paid to those whose registrations were pending approval at the time that the relief was announced.


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