Covid19 -Oxygen Shortage: Delhi High Court Hearing-Live Updates

Update: 2021-04-22 09:05 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2021-04-22 11:44 GMT

Court: Jt. Sec. Road, Transport and Highways states that cryogenic containers are provided by producers. We direct GNCTD to look into this aspect. In case cryogenic containers are not available with producers, they may take steps.

2021-04-22 11:42 GMT

Court: The trains carrying oxygen have been given priority.

Manoj Singh for Railways: We don't have tankers, they have to be organized by state governments.

2021-04-22 11:42 GMT

Court: We are sure that the allocation has been undertaken with application of mind.

2021-04-22 11:35 GMT

Mehra: My Lords, I'm choosing not to comment on anything.

Mehta: Yes, Mr. Mehra please don't comment.

Mehra: That was for the court not for you.

Mehta: But this was for you only.

2021-04-22 11:34 GMT

Mehta: With a product like this, it is a bigger challenge.

Court: We are just saying that the Railways may help Delhi-ites at this time.

Mehta: My Lady, last time, the Railways transported more than 1 crore people during the pandemic, with fooding, free of charge.

2021-04-22 11:32 GMT

Court: We are just trying to visualize how the oxygen will reach Delhi patients.

Mehta: Transport is a challenge, we had already submitted. The govt has set up channels as much as possible.

2021-04-22 11:30 GMT

Mehta: Officers from various Ministries have sat and chalked out a plan, now we can't have someone coming from the blue, saying that the routes are criss-crossing.

Court: Mr. Mehta don't take it otherwise, but these plants are at a distance of 1400-1600 km range.

2021-04-22 11:30 GMT

Mehra: They have allocated from Durgapur, Kalinga but how will these reach the patients? We are interested that it reaches the patients in the hospitals.

Court: Mr. Mehta, you may have allocated, but how do you propose for it to reach the hospitals?

2021-04-22 11:28 GMT

Mehra: This is an absolutely laudable initiative. But it doesn't work if we don't get the oxygen. If they can give some commitment, would help.

Mehta: We cannot give All India commitments, while dealing with Delhi.

2021-04-22 11:24 GMT

Addl Sec Railways: Absolutely My Lords.

Court: We hope that some trains are coming to Delhi also.

Mehta: My Lords, these are only examples.


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