Contempt Case Against Patanjali & Baba Ramdev Over Medical Ads : Live Updates From Supreme Court Hearing

Update: 2024-04-02 05:20 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 3
2024-04-02 05:34 GMT

J Kohli: (to Singh) We do not have your affidavit. Sometimes, Mr. Singh some matters have to be taken to their logical conclusion

2024-04-02 05:32 GMT

J Amanullah: Reference was made to the SC's order, which means that you were fully aware of that

J Kohlli: Not just the SC; every order passed by the Courts across this country has to be respected

J Amanullah: Absolute defiance  

2024-04-02 05:31 GMT

J Kohli: Being the co-founder of the organisation, we refuse to believe that he was not aware.. you to hold the press conference within 24 hours shows that you were cognisant

2024-04-02 05:30 GMT

SC expresses disapproval of the statement in the Patanjali MD's affidavit that the Drugs and Cosmetics (Magic Remedies) Act is archaic. SC says Act cannot be defied saying it is archaic

2024-04-02 05:29 GMT

Patanjali's lawyer Sanghi says the media department of the company wasn't aware of the SC order. SC expresses unsatisfaction with this explanation, it was the duty of the company to convey it to the media dept.

2024-04-02 05:29 GMT

Sanghi: The idea is not commercial...

J Amanullah: Do not take up the cause as if you are serving the are for the contemnors. 

2024-04-02 05:27 GMT

Sanghi; We agree that there is a lapse....For example, in the act, there is TB. We know that it is curable...the respondents have done their own trials

2024-04-02 05:26 GMT

J Kohli: If science has made it should...what have you done to make it to the ministry

2024-04-02 05:25 GMT

J Kohli: You should have made sure that the solemn undertaking should have been.. in letter and spirit. We can also say that we are sorry for not accepting it…your apology is not persuading this court. It is more of a lip service.

2024-04-02 05:24 GMT

J Kohli: Mr. Sanghi, once it is the court proceedings, whose duty it is to convey

Sanghi: There is a lapse…we regret


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