The Central government on Tuesday notified the transfer of Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyay, who is presently the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, to the Delhi High Court as its Chief Justice. The government has further notified the transfer of Justice Alok Aradhe, the present Chief Justice of the Telangana High Court, to Bombay High Court as its Chief Justice.Notably, the Supreme...
The Central government on Tuesday notified the transfer of Justice Devendra Kumar Upadhyay, who is presently the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, to the Delhi High Court as its Chief Justice.
The government has further notified the transfer of Justice Alok Aradhe, the present Chief Justice of the Telangana High Court, to Bombay High Court as its Chief Justice.
Notably, the Supreme Court Collegium had recently (on Jan 7) recommended the transfers of both the judges.
While Justice Upadhyay hails from the Allahabad High Court, Justice Aradhe is from the Madhya Pradesh High Court.