[Bollywood Vs Republic And Times Now] Live Updates From Delhi High Court

Update: 2020-11-09 05:22 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-11-09 06:20 GMT

Court: There's also the issue of the visuals shown in broadcasting - flames burning, etc. I don't have an aesthetic for that, maybe I'm old school.

2020-11-09 06:19 GMT

Court: I'm generally asking as to what mechanism should be put in place to change the way reporting is taking place these days

2020-11-09 06:17 GMT

Court to Defendants: Even trained and educated minds get affected by such consistently misreporting. You tell us how should we resolve this?

2020-11-09 06:16 GMT

Court narrates a past incident when a person was lynched due to incorrect and malicious reporting by media 

2020-11-09 06:16 GMT

Court to Defendants: Your undertakings before the court and authorities are not working, it's very demoralising. Of course, you can investigate, but you can't run a maligning campaign. There hasn't even been an FIR and channels start calling persons as accused 

2020-11-09 06:15 GMT

Court to Defendants: What's your answer to complaints made against such reporting? There has to be some toning down, Programme Code needs to be complied with. What should be done when you don't practice self-regulation? What do we do about this?

2020-11-09 06:15 GMT

Sethi cites the case of ONGC case to substantiate his arguments on maintainability of this suit

Court: We get your preliminary objections

2020-11-09 06:15 GMT

Sethi: In matters of defamation and privacy, third parties have no locus to maintain an action. Only persons against whom imputations are made can file such a suit 

2020-11-09 06:14 GMT

Sethi: It is not the case of the plaintiffs that any one of them is facing a trial or investigation

'None of the plaintiffs are aggrieved parties in the present matter', he argues 

2020-11-09 06:11 GMT

Sethi: Imputations claimed by the plaintiffs as defamatory are not in any manner made against them. In no manner, the right to privacy of the plaintiffs are violated 


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