Aryan Khan Bail Hearing Started Before Bombay High Court: LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-10-26 10:45 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-10-26 11:02 GMT

Rohatgi- Since there is no recovery or consumption, I am wrongly arrested.

Rohatgi narrates how the bail application travelled to the High Court.

2021-10-26 11:02 GMT

Rohatgi refers to last year's Supreme Court judgment in "Tofan Singh" case which held that NDPS officers are police officers and confessions given to them are inadmissible in evidence.

2021-10-26 11:00 GMT

Rohatgi- We have raised the question in several petitions that even though these officers are not police officers...they exercise police powers. So they say they have the power to arrest. But otherwise say they are not police officers.

2021-10-26 11:00 GMT

Rohatgi highlights there was no recovery, no consumption or no medical test done as far as Aryan Khan is concerned.

2021-10-26 10:59 GMT

Rohatgi- He was arrested on October 3. His statement was recorded.

Court - On third?

Rohatgi- Yes

2021-10-26 10:58 GMT

Rohatgi- Nothing was recovered from my client(AryanKhan) and they have nothing to show he consumed anything either.

Rohatgi - There was no occasion to arrest my client, short and simple.

2021-10-26 10:57 GMT

Rohatgi : NCB was present in some strength at the terminal. They had some information and we're there to apprehend.

My client and Arbaaz we're apprehended before they could board the ship.

2021-10-26 10:56 GMT

Rohatgi : Gaba knew Khan and Merchant. Based to the advertisement, they arrived on the afternoon of October 2 at the cruise terminal in Mumbai.

2021-10-26 10:55 GMT

Rohatgi- The entire saga begins from Oct 2. A1 was not a customer, he was invited as a special guest. And invited by a man called Prateek Gaba, acting as an event manager. .

2021-10-26 10:54 GMT

Mukul Rohatgi- I am sorry for this commotion. May I proceed? I appear for A1. He is 23 years of age. Did his undergraduate in Calafornia and returned in March 2020.

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