Article 370 Case Hearing : Live Updates From Supreme Court [Day 10]

Update: 2023-08-24 05:59 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 9
2023-08-24 06:34 GMT

AG: Article 370 was designed to aid the constitutional integration process on the same line as it happened with other states. Its continued exercise over a period cannot be seen as a distortion of its original purpose.

2023-08-24 06:33 GMT

AG: On the combined reading of IoA and the proclamation, followed by adoption of 370, all traces of sovereignty, if any, were surrendered. Constitutional integration process of the Union and J&K was the only object of the Article 370.

2023-08-24 06:32 GMT

CJI: Mr AG, we cannot postulate a situation where the ends justify the means also, right? Means should also be consistent with the ends.

2023-08-24 06:30 GMT

AG: Abraham Lincoln talked about balancing - losing the nation and preserving the constitution. He said that by general law, life and limb must be protected. But a limb can be amputated to save a life but a life is never given to save a limb.

2023-08-24 06:28 GMT

AG: We have tried to bring our own understanding of this emotion, passion riddled issue. We have kept in mind the objectivity and neutrality required.

2023-08-24 06:25 GMT

Attorney General for India R Venkataramani commences his arguments for the day. He appears for the Union of India.

AG: I wish to flag the summary of my written submissions.


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