Arnab Goswami's Habeas Plea Against His Arrest In 2018 Abetment To Suicide Case -LIVE UPDATES From Bombay High Court

Update: 2020-11-07 06:32 GMT
Live Updates - Page 18
2020-11-07 06:45 GMT

In case they want any document, let them issue summons under Section 91 CrPC. They cant put us under pressure by calling us everyday : C S Vaidyanathan.

2020-11-07 06:44 GMT

Senior Advocate C S Vaidyanathan submits that Mumbai police officers are calling Hansa officers everyday forcing to give statements implicating #RepublicTV in #TRPScam 

2020-11-07 06:43 GMT

The bench has assembled.

The bench first takes up the case of Hansa Research filed against TRP Scam investigation by Mumbai Police


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