Same-Sex Marriage/Marriage Equality- Supreme Court Hearing- LIVE UPDATES - DAY-9

Update: 2023-05-10 04:44 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 12
2023-05-10 07:36 GMT

Shamshad: If someone goes to Hajj committee and says i have a constitutionally declared right to remain as a union and I wanna go on a Hajj as a married couple- these are problems faced by even statutory bodies.

2023-05-10 07:36 GMT

Shamshad: As far as declaration is concerned, I completely adopt the arguments of Mr Dwivedi and the Learned SG. If you declare this right- within the realm of personal laws, that relationship may not be recognised.

2023-05-10 07:32 GMT

Shamshad: Even reading of SMA takes us through customs - Sections 19-21 if we read it together, it takes us to Hindu Succession Act and they're uncodified customs.

2023-05-10 07:31 GMT

Shamshad: In S 3 of Muslim Women Protection of Divorce, 1966, there are practices of Muslims which are recognised. 1939 act of dissolution act sets out grounds for divorce but it says that other grounds acknowledged in Muslim personal laws...

2023-05-10 07:30 GMT

Shamshad: Even in a statutory regimes, undefined customs and practices have been made part of the statutes.

2023-05-10 07:30 GMT

Adv MR Shamshad: As far as matrimonial legislations are concerned, even in those legislations, there is scope for customs, practices- which have been practiced for long.

2023-05-10 07:27 GMT

Deepak: These issues have to be addressed first before we take the next step. That's all I have to say, thank you.

2023-05-10 07:27 GMT

Deepak: There are other issues to be dealt with. Having engaged with transgender activists and having worked with them, I know that one of the biggest problems is trafficking- them being pushed into prostituition, not having livelihoods.

2023-05-10 07:27 GMT

Deepak: Yogyakarta Principles specifically leaves it to countries to decide if they wish to have recognition in respect of marital relations.

2023-05-10 07:27 GMT

Deepak: In Hindu law the object of dampatiya is procreation. The question on what happens to a single homosexual parent: when normative attitudes are sought to be represented, those who represent normative attitude cannot be circumvented by resorting to judicial intervention.


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