Same Sex Marriage / Marriage Equality- Supreme Court Hearing-LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2023-05-11 07:26 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 2
2023-05-11 10:37 GMT

Nundy: Marriage and divorce was regulated in Parsis by English or Christian law.

2023-05-11 10:37 GMT

Nundy: The Parsi marriage laws were a creature of common law prior to their codification. There is no religious source...

2023-05-11 10:36 GMT

Nundy: "To the extent" under S 15 presupposes validity under law.

2023-05-11 10:35 GMT

Adv Karuna Nundy: Three propositions - chapter 3 of SMA (S 15-18) require registration of marriages. These are gender neutral and may come to our aid being read into SMA.

2023-05-11 10:33 GMT

Grover: After NALSA, different HCs made it workable. Non grant of rights will increase violence.

2023-05-11 10:33 GMT

Adv Vrinda Grover: My prayers relate to SMA. I will only add one strand to that- ratio of Dharani, statutes must be treated as always speaking.

2023-05-11 10:32 GMT

Kirpal: There is reason why no case has been cited before the court where the word unworkability has been used as a defence to Constitutional examination. Because it's not a barrier.

2023-05-11 10:32 GMT

Kirpal: There is reason why no case has been cited before the court where the word unworkability has been used as a defence to Constitutional examination. Because it's not a barrier.

2023-05-11 10:31 GMT

Kirpal: Future parliaments will become very clever and say that why should I bother amending constitution to save a legislation, I will just make it so complicated that striking it down becomes unworkable and therefore it has a constitutional protection.

2023-05-11 10:30 GMT

Kirpal: SMA will not become unworkable for heterosexuals. There are aspects which may become unworkable. But slightly unworkable is better than nothing. And nothing is what we had.


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