Bilkis Banu Case-Supreme Court Judgement On Petitions Against Remission Of 11 Convicts-LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2024-01-08 04:35 GMT
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2024-01-08 05:50 GMT

Supreme Court : Should rule of law prevail over personal liberty? Only when rule of law prevails with liberty, including the right to equality...whether liberty has any meaning in the absence of rule of law or same being turned a blind eye...

2024-01-08 05:49 GMT

Supreme Court : Primary question, when is the liberty of a person protected? In our view, as per Article 21, person is entitled to liberty only in accordance with law.

2024-01-08 05:49 GMT

Supreme Court : It was contended that since rule of law was violated, justice can be done only be sending them back to prison. Respondents opposed saying they be not subjected to imprisonment again..

2024-01-08 05:48 GMT

Supreme Court : Since we have quashed the remission orders, what follows?. In our view, personal liberty is important. But this is a case where 11 convicts are granted liberty on a remission order which has been quashed. So should they be sent back to prison? This is a delicate question.

2024-01-08 05:47 GMT

Supreme Court : Since 10.08.2022, the convicts are the beneficiaries of an invalid order.

2024-01-08 05:45 GMT

#BREAKING #SupremeCourt strikes down the remission granted to eleven convicts in the #BilkisBano case on the ground that Gujarat Government had no competence to grant remission.

2024-01-08 05:44 GMT

Justice Nagarthna : The exercise of power by the State of Gujarat is an instance of usurpation of power and abuse of power. This is a classic case where the order of this court was used to violate the rule of law by granting remission.

2024-01-08 05:43 GMT

Justice Nagarathna : State of Gujarat acted in complicit with the was this very apprehension which led this Court to transfer the trial out of the State..

2024-01-08 05:41 GMT

Justice Nagarathna : It was the State of Maharashtra which was the appropriate Govt to consider the remission.

#SupremeCourt #BilkisBano

2024-01-08 05:41 GMT

Justice Nagarathna : Gujarat Govt usurped the powers of Maharashtra Govt acting in furtherance of the judgment dated May 13, 2022, which in our opinion is a nullity.


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