The Right To Human Decision-Making In The Age Of AI: Why Alliance School Of Law Is At The Forefront

Update: 2024-07-08 07:25 GMT
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The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a fascinating paradox for the legal system. While AI offers incredible potential to streamline processes and refine decision-making, it also raises concerns about fairness, transparency, and the very notion of human agency in the application of the law.

The GDPR and the Right to Human Review

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) acknowledges this tension. Article 22(1) grants individuals the right to not be subject to automated decisions with significant legal implications. This right reflects a fundamental principle of justice: the right to be judged by a human, who can consider the nuances of a case and the specific circumstances of an individual.

The Case of State v. Loomis: A Balancing Act

The US Supreme Court case of State v. Loomis exemplifies this struggle. In this case, the court considered the legality of using a closed-source risk assessment software (COMPAS) for sentencing purposes. While acknowledging the potential for bias and error in such tools, the court ultimately allowed their use, urging judges to exercise caution. However, the lack of transparency in such algorithms raises concerns about due process and the defendant's right to challenge the basis of the decision.

AI and the Threat to Justice

Recent headlines further illustrate the potential pitfalls of AI in the legal sphere. From biased recruitment tools to faulty facial recognition software, the real-world applications of AI have exposed significant vulnerabilities.

India and the Evolving Landscape of AI Law

India's burgeoning legal framework for AI is a case in point. The Digital Personal Data Protection Act (2023) recognizes the government's right to utilize data for law enforcement purposes. However, the legal and ethical implications of AI use remain a work in progress. This necessitates ongoing research, discourse, and policy development to ensure AI serves, rather than subverts, justice.

Alliance School of Law: Pioneering the AI-Ready Future

Here's where forward-thinking institutions like Alliance School of Law (ASOL) at Alliance University step in. Nestled in the heart of India's Silicon Valley, ASOL boasts a top 25 ranking in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF). The university's Centre of Excellence in Technology and Law exemplifies its commitment to exploring the intersection of law and emerging technologies.

ASOL is not only open to the integration of AI in legal education but actively promotes its development. Through collaborations with industry experts and the ASOL's Centre of Excellence in Public Policy, Sustainability and ESG Research, ASOL is fostering a vibrant environment for legal research and policy discourse on AI. This prepares students to become leaders in shaping the future of AI law and technology, ensuring its responsible and ethical application within the legal system.

At ASOL, students are equipped with the necessary expertise to navigate the complexities of AI. The curriculum is designed to balance technological advancement with a cautious approach to its potential pitfalls. By emphasizing both the opportunities and challenges presented by AI, ASOL ensures its graduates are well-prepared to harness the power of AI while safeguarding the principles of justice.

The future of AI in law is yet to be written. As this dynamic field evolves, institutions like Alliance School of Law provide the perfect platform for aspiring legal minds to engage in critical discussions, research, and policy development. By equipping students with a forward-thinking yet cautious perspective on AI, ASOL empowers them to navigate the complexities of AI and ensure the right balance between technological advancement and the fundamental tenets of justice.


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