AIBE XVII: Bar Council Of India Removes Answer Key From Official Website

The Bar Council of India has removed the answer key link for the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) XVII from its official websites ( and The Answer Key (English Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D) for the AIBE 17 was released yesterday after the exam was conducted, however the same was removed later on, reportedly because the key...
The Bar Council of India has removed the answer key link for the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) XVII from its official websites ( and
The Answer Key (English Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D) for the AIBE 17 was released yesterday after the exam was conducted, however the same was removed later on, reportedly because the key contained incorrect answers.
The Council is expected to come out with a fresh key on its official website.
The Bar Council of India (BCI) today conducted the All India Bar Examination XVII. The answer key for the examination has also been issued.
According to the BCI, the examination was successfully conducted by paper and pen mode across 53 cities and 261 centres with technology-enabled monitoring and confidentiality processes to ensure fair exam practice and that no impersonation takes places.
1,71,402 Advocates appeared for the examination, which is double the number of Advocates who appeared for the last AIBE.