Update: 2015-10-06 13:17 GMT

Indore Institute of Law is organizing the Lex Bonanza, 2015.


31st October 2015 and 1st November, 2015


Indore Institute of Law, Rau Pithampur Road, Opp. IIM, Indore (M.P.)


Date of Registration of Teams - Latest by 15th October 2015

Date of submission of memorials (Soft Copy) - Latest by 17th October 2015

Date of submission of memorials (Hard Copy)- Latest by 20th October 2015

Preliminary rounds - 31st October 2015

Semi – Final round -  31st October 2015

Final round  - 1st November 2015


  1. All participants must submit Memorials/ Written Submissions for both sides.

  1. Memorials shall contain the following parts:
  2. Cover Page
  3. Table of Contents

  • Index of Authorities
  • Statement of Jurisdiction
  • Summary of Facts (1 page)
  • Summary of Arguments/Pleadings (1 page per issue)
  • Arguments Advanced/Pleading [not more than 12 (twelve) Pages]
  • Prayer for Relief (1 page)
  • Annexure (optional)

Cover Page of the Memorial must state the following:

  1. The Cause Title
  2. Identify brief as Petitioners/Appellants or Respondents.
  3. The Memorial shall be typed on A4 size paper and shall 
adhere to the following requirements:
  4. Font type: Times New Roman
  5. Font size: 12 in 1.5 line spacing &1 inch margin on each side.
  6. Footnotes: Font type: Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and 
Single Line.
  7. Memorial Cover Page should follow the following Colour Scheme:

    1. Blue : Petitioner/Appellants

      1. Red : Respondent

The registration for the teams should be done latest by 15th OCTOBER, 2014.

  1. All participants must submit Six (6) copies of the Memorial for both sides.
  2. The soft copy of the memorial shall also be sent through e-mail on 
latest by 17th October, 2015 and the submission of hard copies should be done
latest by 20th October, 2015.
  3. Each team will be awarded a code number and that number alone shall
be marked on the memorials. No induction shall be made for identifying 
the participants.
  4. Draw of lots and Exchange of memorials shall be conducted on 30th 
October, 2014.
  5. Names of the participants or university or college should not be revealed in the Memorial in any manner whatsoever. Signature Pages are prohibited.
  6. The type of paper used for the printing of the memorials is not a criterion for marking of memorials and shall have no bearing on the marks obtained by a participant.

  • Annexure may be passed to the bench during the rounds with the permission of the Judges.

  • The footnotes must be mentioned as per the Bluebook Citation (19thEdition).

  • Team composition - Each team shall comprise of two speakers and one Researcher.
  • Language - The competition shall be conducted strictly in English. Ex Parte procedure – At the outset, if a team fails to appear after 15 minutes of the scheduled time or in case of odd number of teams, then the oral round of the attending party may proceed Ex parte.

  • Oral communications during the rounds is strictly outlawed. If seen, then penalized.

  • In case of a tie, only the marks of the both the speaker will be taken
into consideration. Moreover, if the marks of the speakers of both the teams become equivalent, then the marks scored by the team on thebasis of Knowledge of law will be considered.


  1. Adhering to specifications on memorial – 10 Marks
  2. Substance of memorial (including legal research) – 40 Marks
  3. Presentations skills – 20 Marks
  4. Application of facts to the law – 20 Marks
  5. General Organization- 10 Marks
  6. Total – 100 Marks


All participants are expected to maintain the decorum in the court during the competition and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal profession.

(a) The Moot Court Society reserves the right to take appropriate action forany unethical, unprofessional and immoral conduct.

(b)The dress code for the Participants shall be White shirt, Black (Trouser, tie and Court).

(c) The researcher is not allowed to argue in the Court room. However, he/she can pass on the hand written notes to the Speakers with the permission of the Judges.

  1. d) Any team found in the violation of the above-mentioned rule shall be disqualified forthwith.
  2. e) Team found attempting to approach and influencing Judges/Administrators/ Organizers shall be disqualified.
  3. f) No member of any team will be permitted to hear the arguments in any court rooms in which that team is one of the contesting teams whilst that team is still in the competition.


(a) The participating teams in the competition shall honour and respect the spirit of the competition and Endeavour top conduct by themselves accordingly.

(b) In case of any dispute or difficulty arising out of or during the course of the competition, the Moot Court Society shall have the sole and absolute authority to remove such difficulty and resolve the dispute.

(c) The marks given by the judges will be final and binding to both the teams for which the society is not answerable.


  1. Winning Team:- Cash Prize of Rs. 21000/- , Trophy & Certificate
  2. Runner up Team:- Cash Prize of Rs. 11000/-, Trophy & Certificate
  3. Best Mooter: Trophy & Certificate

All the participating team members shall be issued Certificate of Participation.


  1. Akash Kamal Mishra - +917869370453
  2. Deerghika Dixit - +919651275259

Click here for rules and Moot Problem.

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