APCAM Introduces Shariah ADR Division

Update: 2022-02-27 12:39 GMT

Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation (APCAM), formed with the objective to promote amicable dispute resolution and help disputants to resolve their disputes under a single set of Mediation and Arbitration Rules, with a uniform fee structure and with a common panel of neutrals, in all the APCAM member countries, has come out with a new project of "Shariah ADR Division".

Shariah Law is practiced in about 35 countries. Most Middle East, Asian and South African countries recognize the practice of ADR under Shariah Law. Currently, commercial and banking disputes pertaining to Shariah Law are dealt with by way of Arbitration and Mediation.

APCAM with its leadership and innovativeness in the field of ADR, has taken up the responsibility to cater the request of users from countries following Shariah law principles to innovate mediation and arbitration under those principles. As a unique and historic initiative, APCAM has now formed the "Shariah ADR Division", which will be headed by a 3-member committee comprising of Datuk Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari, Chairman (Co-Chairman Malaysia Mediation Centre), Mr. Fahmi Shahab, Vice-Chairman (Director, PMN Indonesian Mediation Center) and Ms. Iram Majid, Secretary General (Director, Indian Institute of Arbitration & Mediation).

The wide spread base of Shariah Law in multiple jurisdictions, calls for a better, speedy and uniform process of ADR. APCAM Shariah ADR Division, aims to bring professionalism, expertise and credibility in the use and practice of arbitration and mediation with shariah-competent standardization and training for arbitrators and mediators through uniform professional certification. This will help the disputants to use Shariah-compliant mediation and arbitration for resolution of disputes under Shariah law through APCAM Certified Shariah Mediators and Arbitrators. The initiative by APCAM is to professionalize and create credibility to mediation and arbitration under Shariah laws, by which APCAM certified Shariah Mediators and Arbitrators could be created beyond religious or community considerations. This opens up a huge opportunity for professional mediators and arbitrators to act as mediators and arbitrators in countries where Shariah Laws are applicable for commercial disputes and will provide an efficient, impartial and credible pool of mediators and arbitrators for disputants to choose from.

For more details; see: https://apcam.asia/newsevents/apcam-introduces-shariah-adr-division/


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