The Unprecedented Rise In Covid Cases Have Lawyers Working 24/7 For Setting Up A Field Hospital In New Delhi

Update: 2021-05-15 07:51 GMT

Photo: ANI

A group of lawyers consisting of Vaibhav Kakkar, Karan Chandhiok, Poooja Mahajan and Akshay Jain from two prominent firms from New Delhi have come together to assist with the rising covid cases in the city. Whilst, Karan and Pooja are partners with Chandhiok & Mahajan, Vaibhav and Akshay are with L&L Partners. The team is working with Aster Volunteers, the global CSR arm of Aster DM Healthcare and Alshifa Hospital, Okhla, Delhi, and are converting The Scholar School located in South Delhi to a large 50-bed field hospital.

The field hospital will be equipped with Oxygen cylinders, Oxygen concentrators, BIPAP machines, High flow oxygen therapy units, ECG machines, and other medical equipment required to treat moderate to severe covid patients. Volunteers from the CSR arm of Aster DM Healthcare will serve at the hospital.

The lawyers have also tied up with Meddo Foundation which provides online consultation support to patients. They have also associated with former Natco Pharma executive CV Narayan Rao to help with technical assistance on this project.

For any successful operation of a field hospital, a total fund of INR 3 crores is required. Aster Volunteers have provided with the initial help and through crowd-sourcing initiative, the team is looking for further funding of INR 2 crores. Through its tremendous efforts, they have been able to yield close to INR 90 lakhs. One may contribute towards the project through the fundraising portal Milaap.

There are no commissions. No middlemen. All donations go to Meddo Foundation (for the Oxygen Concentrators) and Human Welfare Foundation (for the field hospital).

Humanity goes a long way and your contribution in any form can make difference. Donate and share the campaign such that thousands of lives can be saved and help our country in such unprecedented times.


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