Multiple Vacancies At Uniyal & Sharma Associates LLP [Apply Now]

Update: 2022-03-30 08:12 GMT

Uniyal & Sharma Associates LLP invites applications for the post of Senior Associate (Litigation) and Senior Associate (General Corporate).

Name of Post: Senior Associate (Litigation) and Senior Associate (General Corporate)

No. of Post: 01 (One) each

Essential Qualification and Experience

Senior Associate (Litigation)

• A Graduate Degree in Law

• 4 years PQE with expertise in indirect taxation (excise, customs, GST) and direct taxation, related white-collar criminal defense, writ matters.


• Overall good understanding of commercial litigation and arbitration law.

Senior Associate (General Corporate)

• A Graduate Degree in Law

• 4 years of PQE with expertise in drafting and review of contracts, advisory, compliance reports, due diligence, ability to conduct comprehensive legal research and analysis.


• Qualified Company Secretary

How to apply?

• Interested candidates are required to submit their CV and a writing sample (draft/article/paper) with email subject line as "Litigation Hiring - March 2022" or "General Corporate Hiring - March 2022" to an email I'd on or before 10.04.2022


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