SAARC Development Fund invites application for the post of Assistant Director (Legal) from the Nationals of SAARC Member States (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka) for an appointment at SAARC Development Fund, the umbrella financial institution of the SAARC, which is located in Thimphu, Bhutan.
Name of the Post: Assistant Director (Legal)
Age Limit: 30-40 Years
Essential Qualification and Experience
• Possess a post-graduate degree in law from an Institution of International repute/recognition. The higher professional degree would be an added advantage;
• Have minimum of 10 years of practical experience of working in legal department of a reputed national/international financial institutions/law firm or a combination of these; be well-versed with legal requirements for project financing, whether loan or grant-based; Knowledge/experience of working in legal/regulatory framework(s) in more than one SAARC country would be an added advantage.
• Be a bona-fide citizen of a SAARC Member State i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
• Strong written and spoken communication skills in English.
How to apply?
• Interested candidates are required to submit in their application in the prescribed Application Form, CV, copies of educational and experience certificates should be sent by email to info@sdfsec.org and admin@sdfsec.org latest by April 23, 2021.
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To Access Application Form, click here