High Court Seeks Response From Haryana Govt, Chandigarh Admin On Plea To Issue Aadhar Cards To Beggars, Provide Basic Amenities

Update: 2024-01-08 10:13 GMT
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The Punjab & Haryana High Court has sought response from the Haryana government and the Chandigarh administration on a plea for issuance of Aadhar Cards and for providing basic amities to beggars in their jurisdictions.A division bench of Acting Chief Justice Ritu Bahri and Justice Nidhi Gupta directed the counsel appearing for Chandigarh admin as well as Additional Advocate General...

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The Punjab & Haryana High Court has sought response from the Haryana government and the Chandigarh administration on a plea for issuance of Aadhar Cards and for providing basic amities to beggars in their jurisdictions.

A division bench of Acting Chief Justice Ritu Bahri and Justice Nidhi Gupta directed the counsel appearing for Chandigarh admin as well as Additional Advocate General Haryana, to file their respective replies.

The plea states that there are begging rackets going on in Haryana and Chandigarh and it is difficult to distinguish between genuine beggars and the scammers. It was further contended that the State has failed to provide basic amenities like food, shelter and Aadhar Card to beggars which is in violation of Constitutional provisions like Article 21 and Article 46.

Adding that it is duty of the State to make laws as per Directive Principles Of State Policies, the petition stated that "the State has not made any effort" for making provisions and implementation of the policies for the welfare of the beggars and police have been misusing the "Anti-Begging Act."

Haryana AAG on the other hand produced a copy of State's policy decision dated 05.03.2022, whereby a scheme, namely SMILE – Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise, has been launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, to provide basic amenities to the beggars.

While listing the matter for February 29, the Court stated that "in the meantime, the petitioner can also examine as to how the aforesaid scheme (SMILE) is being implemented."

Appearance: Advocate Pardeep Sharma Petitioner in person

Shubham Jain, Advocate, for respondent No.1 – UT Chandigarh.

Deepak Balyan, Addl. Advocate General, Haryana.

Pardeep Sharma v. UT Chandigarh & Ors.

Click here to read/download the order


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