Delhi's Shahdara Bar Association Supports PIL To Reserve 33% Seats For Women Lawyers In Lawyers' Bodies Elections

Update: 2024-07-25 05:15 GMT
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Delhi's Shahdara Bar Association has filed an affidavit before the Delhi High Court supporting a PIL seeking reservation of 33% seats for women lawyers in the elections of Bar Council of Delhi (BCD), Delhi High Court Bar Association (DHCBA) and All District Bar Associations in the national capital.

The Executive Committee of the Shahdara Bar Association has said that it is in complete agreement with the relief sought by the petitioner, Advocate Shobha Gupta.

The affidavit states that it is just and appropriate that the Bar Council of Delhi and all district courts Bar Associations in the national capital promote reservation of 33% posts or seats in the Executive Committees for women lawyers.

However, the Executive Committee of the Shahada Bar Association has proposed reservation for women advocates for the post of Office Bearers “by rotation” for the ensuing and subsequent elections in lawyers' bodies.

It is submitted that out of 1 seats for Members in the Executive Committees, 1/3 be reserved for the woman lawyers to make their representation effective,” the response reads.

The plea contends that the under­ representation of women in effective posts in BCD and other Bar associations can negatively affect women's rights and access to justice as well as detract from the justice system's overall effectiveness.

It submits that despite the increasing number of women lawyers, they have not been able to make their representation effective on the post of prestigious Council or bar associations because of various professional obstacles.

It states that reservation of 33% seats in the lawyers bodies will ensure equal representation of all women lawyers and will also provide them equal opportunity to grow and address their grievances.

Because for 64 years since its establishment, women's representation in the Bar Council of Delhi, Delhi High Court Bar Association and District Bar Associations has been completely absent. During this time, Only two female lawyers were part of the Delhi Bar Council, none of whom held positions such as Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or Secretary. A similar situation exists in the Delhi High Court and District Bar Association. This highlights the clear dominance and inequality towards women lawyers within the Bar Council of Delhi,” the plea read.

Title: Shobha Gupta Advocate v. Bar Council of Delhi & Ors.


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