Calcutta High Court Cautions ED Officers Against 'Lax Attitude' While Probing Recruitment Scam In Bengal

Update: 2024-06-12 11:32 GMT
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The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday cautioned the Enfocement Directorate's (ED) officers against adopting a 'lax attitude' while probing the mulit-tier recruitment scam in West Bengal under the monitoring of the Court. A single bench of Justice Amrita Sinha told DSG Dhiraj Trivedi that the Court was getting information that the officers of the ED had become lax in their approach to...

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The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday cautioned the Enfocement Directorate's (ED) officers against adopting a 'lax attitude' while probing the mulit-tier recruitment scam in West Bengal under the monitoring of the Court. 

A single bench of Justice Amrita Sinha told DSG Dhiraj Trivedi that the Court was getting information that the officers of the ED had become lax in their approach to the investigation and that they needed to be careful in their approach. 

I have been getting inputs that your officers (ED) are becoming lax. Please ask them to be careful. I know the names also. What is happening, how they are happening, I am getting to know. Your officers should remain extremely careful, because the entire investigation is court monitored. Like your submissions, I also get other reports from else where. Genuine sources. Who has been interrogated, why they were interrogated, who was not questioned, I am getting all the information, the Court remarked.

These observations came in a continuing matter concerning the investigation into the mulit-tier recruitment scam being carried out by the CBI and ED under the monitoring of the Court.

On this occasion, the state respondents were scheduled to file their response to the submission made by the investigation agencies. Since the State respondents were not yet prepared with their response, the Court adjourned the hearing to a later date.

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