PIL In Allahabad High Court Seeks Judicial Committee For Recovering Money, Assets Embezzled From Union/State Exchequer

Update: 2024-05-18 06:30 GMT
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Recently, a public interest litigation was filed in the Allahabad High Court seeking constitution of a judicial committee comprising of retired judges of the Supreme Court or High Court for recovering the money and assets which have been embezzled and “looted” from the Union and State Exchequers.One Prateek Shukla filed the PIL alleging that more than Rs. 100 Lakh crore had been embezzled...

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Recently, a public interest litigation was filed in the Allahabad High Court seeking constitution of a judicial committee comprising of retired judges of the Supreme Court or High Court for recovering the money and assets which have been embezzled and “looted” from the Union and State Exchequers.

One Prateek Shukla filed the PIL alleging that more than Rs. 100 Lakh crore had been embezzled by the bureaucrats, politicians, individuals and businessmen since the independence of India. Petitioner pleaded that though he had filed RTIs in various states inquiring about the scams, no reply was given to him as the information is barred under Section 24 of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

Petitioner further alleged in his PIL that maximum number of scams were reported to have been done during the government formed by Indian National Congress. It was pleaded that the scams have cause the growth, economy and GDP of the country to decline.

Enlisting various scams from the internet, the petitioner pleaded that the various law enforcement departments of the country had been unable to recover the money from the fraudsters. Accordingly, petitioner sought constitution of a judicial committee to recover the money allegedly syphoned from the public exchequers.

The PIL was heard by a bench of Chief Justice Arun Bhansali and Justice Vikas Budhwar who remarked that this was the third PIL filed in this regard.

After some arguments, the PIL was dismissed as withdrawn by the petitioner appearing in person.

Case Title: Prateek Shukla vs. Union Of India And 21 Others 2024 LiveLaw (AB) 318 [PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION (PIL) No. - 975 of 2024]

 Citation: 2024 LiveLaw (AB) 318

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