Geeta Institute Of Law: International Seminar On “Global Enactment Of Justice For Women And Children: Issues And Challenges

Update: 2018-08-30 06:30 GMT

Geeta Institute of law is organizing International Seminar on “Global Enactment of Justice for Women and Children: Issues and Challenges” on 18 Nov. 2018 (Sunday) in Association with My legal Studio & Indian National Bar Association (INBA).

Theme: Global Enactment of Justice for Women and Children: Issues And Challenges


  • Women and Children as vulnerable group

  • Insult to modesty

  • Cyber-crimes against women and children

  • Female Infanticide and foeticide

  • Reproductive Technologies and rights of women

  • Female Genital Mutilation and the laws

  • Trafficking of women and children

  • Domestic violence and Honour-based violence

  • Child Labour: A Global Issue

Submission Guidelines:

  • The abstract should not exceed 300 words and must be accompanied by a cover page stating the following:

  • Sub-theme

  • Title of the Paper

  • Name of the author(s)

  • E-mail address

  • Postal address and Contact Number

  • The paper should not exceed 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes)

    • There can be only an author and one co-author. Inclusion of more than one co-author will result in automatic disqualification.

    • Registration fee as per each author

    • In case of co-authorship at least one author must attend the seminar to present the paper.

  • All correspondence must be sent to email:

  • The paper must be accompanied with the scanned copies of the duly filled Registration form, DD details, and the cover page, the details of which are mentioned in the abstract guidelines.

  • All submissions must be the author's original and unpublished work. Plagiarized submission will be disqualified

Important Dates:

  • Submission of Abstract: 30 Sept 2018 (Sunday)

  • Confirmation of Abstract: 5 Oct 2018 (Friday)

  • Submission of Full paper, Demand Draft and Registration form (only Soft copies of all): 25 Oct 2018 (Thursday)

  • Submission of Demand Draft and Registration form (Hard copies): 2 Nov 2018 (Friday)

  • International Seminar: 18 Nov 2018 (Sunday)

Registration Fee:

(Category I) For Students:

  • Indian – Rs. 1000/-

  • Foreign National – $ 100 USD

(Category II) Academicians, Legal Practitioners and Other Professionals.

  • Indian – Rs. 2000/-

  • Foreign National – $ 200 USD

For any queries email at; or

Seminar Convener: Mr. Abhay Singh Thakur, Asst. Professor, Contact No: +91 9996459683

Seminar Co-Convener: Ms. Neelam Ruhal, Asst. Professor, Contact No: +91 9996315200

For Brochure and Registration Form click here

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