Kannur District Commission Holds Go Airlines Liable For Abrupt Cancellation Of Flight And Failure To Refund Booking Amount

Update: 2024-06-23 14:15 GMT
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The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Kannur (Kerala) bench of Ravi Susha (President), Moly Kutty Mathew (Member) and Sajeesh K.P. (Member) held Go Airlines liable for deficiency in services for cancelling an international flight without providing proper reasons and for not refunding the ticket price. Brief Facts: The Complainant booked an international air ticket...

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The District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Kannur (Kerala) bench of Ravi Susha (President), Moly Kutty Mathew (Member) and Sajeesh K.P. (Member) held Go Airlines liable for deficiency in services for cancelling an international flight without providing proper reasons and for not refunding the ticket price.

Brief Facts:

The Complainant booked an international air ticket from Kannur to Dammam (Saudi Arabia) from Go Airlines. The travel date was set for May 5, 2023, and the Complainant paid Rs. 22,559/- for the ticket. This payment was made in full using the bank account of the Complainant's daughter. On May 2, 2023, the Complainant received an email from Go Airlines stating that the air ticket was cancelled without any given reason. This cancellation was not timely communicated to the Complainant, and no alternative solution was provided. Subsequently, the Complainant made several attempts to contact Go Airlines through emails and phone calls to request a refund. Despite these efforts, Go Airlines did not refund the amount.

Feeling aggrieved, the Complainant filed a consumer complaint in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Kannur, Kerala (“District Commission”) against Go Airlines. Go Airlines didn't appear before the District Commission for proceedings.

Observations by the District Commission:

The District Commission noted that Go Airlines cancelled the flight ticket citing 'Operational issues' but provided no evidence of any refund for the amount received from the Complainant. It held that the Complainant booked the flight ticket on April 9, 2023, and that it was subsequently cancelled by Go Airlines without providing proper reason. Therefore, the District Commission held Go Airlines liable for deficiency in service.

Consequently, the District Commission directed Go Airlines to refund the Rs. 22,559/- paid by the Complainant for the flight ticket. Additionally, the District Commission directed Go Airlines to pay a compensation of Rs. 7,000/- for mental agony and pay Rs. 5,000/- for the litigation costs incurred by the Complainant.

Case Title: Aiyumantagath Mohammed Imthiyas vs The Nodal Officer, Go Airlines (India) Limited

Case Number: CC/68/2024

Date of Order: 31.05.2024

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