Call for papers: RGNUL Law Review (RLR), (January - June 2017)

Update: 2016-12-05 15:02 GMT
RGNUL Law Review (RLR), a Six-Monthly Law Journal of Rajiv  Gandhi  National  University  of  Law, Punjab invites  well -researched, quality contributions on contemporary and relevant issues in law with the cherished object to enhance   knowledge   quotient   and   at  the   same  time   initiate  intellectual dialogue and debate yielding fruitful results.

Therefore, contributors are requested to submit their Contributions by
25 February, 2017
for its January - June, 20 17 issue.

A contribution for the RLR should pertain to important socio-economic-legal or socio-politico-legal issues or to other matters of current significance relating to law, justice, and judicial system. The paper must identify the core issues. The discussion thereon should be with reference to the contemporary developments and with up-to-date knowledge pertaining to that area.

Please refer to RGNUL website for rules, scheme and style for publication in RLR. Please adhere to time schedule. Contributors may also please note, that if the contributions are not in accordance with RLR Scheme and style, the contribution will not be accepted.






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