Call For Papers: Malaibar Institute For Advanced Studies’ 1st Int’l Academic Conference On Islam And Muslim World

Update: 2017-10-30 15:56 GMT

Malaibar Institute for Advanced Studies (MIAS), in collaboration with the National University of Malaysia (UKM) and Tawasul Centre for Research and Dialogue, Italy is organising its 1st International Academic Conference on Islam and Muslim World on December 30 and 31, 2017, at Markaz Knowledge City. The theme of the conference is ‘Islam and Open Civilization:  Art, Science and Literature in Contemporary Muslim World’.

The papers of the conference may deal with the themes listed below but not limited to:

  • Science of knowledge in Muslim intellectual tradition

  • Open society and cultural integration in modern discourses

  • Linguistics for cross-cultural dialogues: Islamic grammatical rules

  • Reconstruction of Islamic epistemology: its means and ends,

  • Religion and science: contract or conflict?

  • Justice and human rights in post-secular world

  • State, politics and authoritarianism in Islamic doctrines

  • Art and aesthetics in Muslim Civilizations

  • Reason Versus revelation?

  • Islamic revivalism and the ethics of tradition

  • Poetry and prophesy in Islamic literature

  • Universality of Islamic law and the possibilities of multiplicity

  • Sufism- from inward to outward

  • Technological determinism and theological functionality in everyday Muslim life

  • Tradition and modernity in Muslim intellectual world

  • Ecology in prophetic tradition

  • Health and hygiene in Islamic jurisprudence

  • Human rights and human values in Muslim 'human'

  • Understanding Islamic jurisprudence and evaluation of Muslim public discourses

  • Muslim visibility in new age media

Papers on topics not listed above but related to the common theme of Islamic Civilization may be considered.

Important Dates:

  • Last date for abstract submission: November 9, 2017

  • Last date for full paper submission: November 30, 2017

For more information, click here.

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