Call for papers: The Indian Competition Law Review Annual Journal

Update: 2017-08-01 14:50 GMT

The Indian Competition Law Review (ICLR) is the flagship annual journal of the Centre for Competition Law & Policy (CCLP), published under the aegis of National Law University, Jodhpur. ICLR strives to achieve scholarly excellence with the aid of an eminent advisory board and an institution known for its academic excellence. ICLR is published in the month of February each year. The theme for this year’s Issue is “A Digitalized Economy: Challenges for Competition Law and Policy”.

The submission can be sent under the following category:

  • Articles, which analyze topics pertaining to the theme from major national jurisdictions as well as topics of permanent interest and contemporary international issues on competition law and policy (5,000-10,000 words including footnotes)

  • Short Notes, which analyze an issue pertaining to the theme or cover topical recent developments in competition law (2,000- 5,000 words including footnotes)

  • Case Comments on recent or landmark cases, suggesting a change in policy or interpretation, related to competition law (1,500- 2,000 words including footnotes)

Submission Guidelines:

  • The manuscript must be preceded by an abstract of not more than 200 words.

  • The manuscript must be an original and unpublished work. The author must also confirm that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

  • The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of two authors.

  • Submissions are to be emailed to under the subject heading ‘Volume III - ICLR Submission’.

The CCI is faced with a unique challenge of balancing the possible economic efficiencies of these digital markets with the anti-competitive threat they could pose.

Accordingly, the sub-themes for the issue are: 

  • The relationship between digital economy and competition law- What are the new challenges created by the digital economy? What is the role of competition law in regulating digital economy?

  • Challenges posed to existing antitrust law, tools and approaches.

  • Detailed analysis of industries and sectors- Transportation, online advertising, search engines, e-commerce, e-wallets etc.

  • What are the possible remedies? Will the remedies restrict the digital markets, considering their unique nature? Should there be a possibility of settlement of disputes in issues of competition law in India?

  • How will dominance be quantified in digital markets when the CCI traditionally uses market share as a proxy of dominance?

The last date for submissions is October 30th, 2017.

For more information click here

For submission guidelines click here

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