Call for Papers: Christ University Law Journal, Vol.7, No.2

Update: 2017-09-27 10:13 GMT

The Journal and Publication Society of School of Law, Christ University, invites submissions for the 13th issue (Vol.7, No.2) of the Christ University Law Journal (June-Dec 2018). Christ University Law Journal (CULJ), ISSN 2278-4322 is a biannual, peer reviewed, UGC approved journal.

Who can apply?

Members of the Bar, Bench and the academia

Submissions Categories: Research Articles, Case Comments and Book Reviews.

Word Limit

  • Research Articles – 4000 – 6000 words

  • Case Comments (latest ones) – 1500 – 2000 words

  • Book Reviews - 2016 or 2017 publication

Guidelines for Submission

  1. The Research Papers must also include   an abstract of not more than 175-200 words, along with five relevant key words.

  2. All submissions must be sent to culj@christuniversity.inand must be attached with a covering letter mentioning the name of the author, occupation, title of the submission, mobile phone number and contact address, for future reference.

Important Dates: The submissions should reach us on or before November 30th, 2017.

To access the past Issues of the journal, click here

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