Call for Papers: Christ University Law Journal, Vol.7, No.1

Update: 2017-08-04 15:03 GMT

The Journal and Publication Society of School of Law, Christ University, invites submissions for the 12th issue (Vol.7, No.1) of the Christ University Law Journal (Jan-June 2018). Christ University Law Journal (CULJ), ISSN 2278-4322 is a biannual, peer reviewed, UGC approved journal.

About the Journal:

Christ University Law Journal (CULJ), ISSN 2278-4322, a peer reviewed academic publication, seeks to facilitate greater interest and deeper insight in various fields of law among students, academicians and legal scholars. It provides space for discussions, comments and concerns in recent legal issues and developments. The Journal targets undergraduate and graduate institutions, research centres, policy makers and government organizations.

Eligibility: Submissions are welcome from members of the Bar, Bench and the Academia. Submissions can be in the form of research articles and case comments.

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. The word limit for various submissions is as follows:

  • Research Articles – 4000 – 6000 words

  • Case Comments (latest ones) – 1500 – 2000 words

  1. The submission shall be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 175-200 words along with five relevant key words.

  2. All submissions must be sent to

  3. Submissions must be attached with a covering letter mentioning the name of the author, occupation, title of the submission, mobile phone number and contact address, for future reference.

  4. All submissions should be in 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 (for text) and 14 (for heading) and should follow the Times New Roman style.

  5. The method of citation which is expected to be followed is the Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition.

  6. The submissions should reach us on or before September 5th, 2017.

To access the past Issues of the journal, click here.

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