Call for Papers: Symposium on International Law - Contemporary Issues and Challenges

Update: 2015-11-19 11:14 GMT

The International Law Society, KIIT School of Law is organizing the 1st KIIT National Conference on International Law from 15th January to 17th January 2016 and calls for research papers from undergraduate/post graduate students and invites them to present their papers during the Symposium. The event is a part of International Law Students Association (ILSA) Chapter Grants Program.

The Conference will host a Symposium on International Law - Contemporary Issues and Challenges which will aim at focusing different facets of Public International Law in the area of Criminal Law,
Environmental Law and Refugee Law. The event will also analyze recent trends Private International Law in the regimes of Intellectual Property Law, Anti-trust Law and International Commercial Arbitration.

 Themes and Sub Themes

  1. International Refugee Law
  2. Operational and Administrative Challenges In Rehabilitation Of Refugees.
  3. Refugee Law And Statelessness

  • Principle Of Non-Refoulement And Its Viabiity In The Indian Context

  1. Co-operation in Refugee Resettlement : EU perspective
  2. International Criminal Law
  3. Proposed International Convention on Crimes Against Humanity
  4. International Criminal Law & Participation Of Non-State Actors

  • ICC Statute And Principle Of Complementarity

  1. Universalization of Jurisdiction under International Law
  2. International Environmental Law
  3. The Present And Future Of The Outer Space Environment Laws
  4. Need For Stricter Regulations Of Transnational Environmental Crime.

  • Environmental Sustainability Whilst The Downfall Of UNFCCC

  1. Legal Framework And Policies On Toxic Waste Dumping
  2. International Commercial Arbitration:
  3. Enforcement Challenges To Foreign Awards
  4. Can The DIFC Arbitration Model Be Applicable In India?

  • International Commercial Arbitration & Anti-Suit Injunctions

  1. Judicial Interference And Independence Of Arbitral Tribunal
  2. Intellectual Property Rights & International Law:
  3. Expanding the Scope of Article 23 of Trips: The Debate Regarding Enhanced Protection beyond “Wines and Spirits”.
  4. Compulsory Licensing in India and USA – A comparative critique

  • Patent Pools And Competition Law: A Discussion On Parallel Imports And Cross Licensing

  1. International Registration of Trademarks – How International is it?
  2. Anti-trust/Competition Law
  3. Corporate Anti-trust Compliance and Ethics – An International Perspective
  4. Competition Law and E-commerce – Recent Trends

  • Mergers and Competition Law – A Cross Jurisdictional Study

  1. Competition Law in consonance with Consumer Law – Recent Developments

Submission Guidelines

  1. Author(s) have to send an abstract of the Paper within 500 words, accompanied with five
    keywords by 28th November 2015, 23:59 hours.
  2. Author(s) of selected abstracts have to submit the final paper by 5th January 2016, 23:59

  • Co-authorship of maximum two authors per Paper is allowed.

  1. The author(s) will send a separate Cover Letter with their final papers incorporating details like name(s), affiliated college, full postal address, email id and contact number along with the title of the Paper. The Paper should not contain any biographical references of the author (s).
  2. All Papers should be made via email to in .doc or .docx format. The subject of the email should be “SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNATIONAL LAW – [TITLE OF THE PAPER]”. The name of the Paper will be the “TITLE OF THE PAPER”.

Formatting Guidelines

For the Abstract

  • Title: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 18; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Center; Uppercase; Bold face.
  • Body: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 12; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Justified; Margins – 1 inch on all sides;
  • Details of the Author(s): Names, affiliated college, email id and contact number to be furnished at the end of the Abstract;

For the Final Paper

  • The first page of the Final Paper must be the Abstract without the contact details of the author(s);
  • The length of the Paper should not exceed the limit of 6000 words (exclusive of footnotes).
  • All the pages of the Final Paper will have Margin of 1 inch on all sides;
  • Main Title of the Paper: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 18; Line Spacing – 1.5;Alignment – Center; Uppercase; Bold face.
  • Body: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 12; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Justified;
  • Heading One: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 16; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Justified; Uppercase;
  • Heading Two: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 14; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment – Justified; Uppercase;
  • Heading Three: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 14; Line Spacing – 1.5; Alignment –Justified; Uppercase;
  • Footnote: Font – Times New Roman; Size – 10; Line Spacing – 1; Alignment – Justified;
  • The Rules of Citation as prescribed by the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th edition are to be followed.
  • Tables or figures, if any, must contain titles.


  1. Best Paper – INR 3,000 plus vouchers from our partners
  2. Second Best Paper– Vouchers from our partners

Click here to download the official notification

Click here to download the official brochure

In case of any queries drop a mail to or contact:
Nitesh Sharma, President: +91-9692775969;
Shreyan Sengupta, Vice President: +91- 8984536979

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