Call for Papers: Journal of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law

Update: 2015-11-01 05:27 GMT

The Centre for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Institute of Law, Nirma University invites contributions for their the first online “Journal of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law”.


  • The applicability and ramifications for International humanitarian law in Syria and Iraq
  • Human rights violations in the Conflict in Iraq and Syria
  • Targeting cultural property as a specific method of warfare (for e.g. by IS in Syria and Iraq and by jihadist groups in Mali)
  • The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation: Interaction between State sovereignty, self-determination and IHL, in particular the rules on occupation.
  • Situation of Human Rights in Yemen
  • Syrian Crisis and European Refugee Crisis
  • Challenges in enforcement and accountability for violation of IHL and HR in South Asian Countries

Word Limit

  1. Articles: 5,000 – 7,000 words
  2. Essays: 3,000 – 5,000 words
  3. Case Comments/analysis: 2,000 – 4,000 words

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts should be in pt. 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing. The footnotes should be in pt. 10, Times New Roman, Single Line Spacing.
  2. The citation should strictly conform to the rules in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed.)
  3. Every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words describing the relevant conclusions drawn in the manuscript.
  4. A separate cover letter with biographical information of the authors must also be attached including the following details: Name, E mail address, university affiliation, contact details, title and theme of the submission.
  5. The maximum number of authors for Articles and Essays is two while for case comments/Analysis is one.

Submission Guidelines

The soft copy of the contribution, as attachments in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx), must be sent to  on or before 20th December, 2015. Also the subject of the mail should be “Submission”.

Click here for more details.

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