Call For Papers: Internationalism: A Special Journal On Allied International Law Vol. 1 Issue 1

Update: 2018-10-15 17:38 GMT

Internationalism is a peer-reviewed journal on the allied fields of international law, which is concerned with the innovation and encouragement of the fields related to International Law. Started by a league of youth professionals of the legal diaspora, this journal aims to focus on the due aspect of the promotion of international law and it’s allied (cum innovative) fields.

Topics: (Not inclusive)

  • Pure International Law

  • International Human Rights Law

  • International Refugee Law

  • International Cyber Law

  • International Environmental Law

  • Space Law

  • Artificial Intelligence and Law

Submission Guidelines:

  • Internationalism strictly against plagiarism and shall keep a threshold of it.

  • The Word Strength acceptable shall be 6,500-10,000 words (including/not including spaces.)

  • Any violation of the guidelines shall make the chance of the publication unfructuous.

  • If certain manuscripts of good quality are not published in the upcoming issue of the ISSN-recognized journal, the submission shall be considered for review in our ISSN-recognized online blog namely Globalité. The details of the blog shall be informed later.

  • The deadline for submission of the manuscript is November 30, 2018, IST, 11:59:59 PM.

  • After the dissolution of the time period, no submission shall be accepted for prior review.

For any queries email at

For submission of Manuscript click here

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