Call for Applications (Students & Faculty Members/Professionals):Indian Constitutional Law Review

Update: 2016-11-30 15:37 GMT
Indian Constitutional Law Review is a peer-reviewed quarterly law review published with an intention to promote and contribute to the growth of Constitutional Law in India. It revolves around the issues pertaining to the wide sphere of Constitutional Law and in its wide array of areas covers all areas of law through its interactions.

We seek to practically link and bring together legislative ideologies, research scholars and judicial officers to promote and make available to the public the importance of this area of law and its interaction in every way the Government functions and in every act and move of the State. The coverage of the journal includes all new theoretical and experimental findings in the field. The journal also encourages the submission of critical review articles covering advances in recent research. The Indian Constitutional Law Review does not advocate or solicit Pay-for-Publication Techniques. It is published by Agradoot Web Technologies LLP.

Call for applications for the student editorial board:

The journal calls for applications for the members of the Student Editorial Board. The Board has the following positions vacant as of now:

  • Associate Editors – No Prior Editorial Experience required

  • Executive Editors – Prior Editorial Experience required

Call for Applications for the Advisory Council:

The journal calls for applications for the Advisory Council of the Journal. The Advisory Council has following positions vacant as of now:

  • Honorary Members, Advisory Council – Faculty Members/Professionals with experience over 6 years

  • Members, Advisory Council – Faculty Members/ Professionals

None of the positions in the journal are paid. All members applying for any positions are requested to send their CVs to on or before December 10, 2016 for the constitution of a proper Editorial Board of the Journal.

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