Now, moving on to the judgments, Parekh states... ... [Article 370] [Day-5] Hearing On Kashmir Petitions [Live-Updates From Supreme Court]

Now, moving on to the judgments, Parekh states that he will not refer to Puranlal Lakhanpal (1966), but he will discuss Prem Nath Kaul (1959).

Gopalaswami Ayyengar’s statements from the debates have also been pointed out in the judgement and answers the Gavai J.’s question about whether the CA debates were referred to.

Second submission is based on 370(3). Recommendations of CA; the changes were made in the Explanation. And if they wanted to make any further changes while the CA was still existence, they could have done it.

Update: 2020-01-22 09:38 GMT

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