3rd Conference Of International Public Policy Association, 2017

Update: 2016-11-15 07:50 GMT

NLSIU in collaboration with Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa is set to organise a panel on ‘Interface of Law and Public Policy’ at the 3rd Conference of International Public Policy Association at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore during 28th June to 30th June 2017.


Judiciary has played a critical role in Global South while defining the Public Policy agenda. This is because countries in the Global South primarily have ‘Transformative Constitution’ (TC) that empowers the citizens while dealing with the State. Yet, in the study of public policy, the intersectionality of law and policy is astonishingly under researched. Very often law is treated as an instrument to gain compliance to policies through sanctions. Beyond this instrumental function, many judges functioning with the framework of TC, have acted as ‘norm entrepreneurs’ and directed the State to design policies to enhance citizens’ quality of life. These developments have been backed up by global institutions (e.g. OHCHR, ILO, WHO, UNICEF) that have monitored the nation-states to adopt global standards. We are looking for papers that demonstrate how public policy and law are interfacing while dealing with public problems. Though not exhaustive, following are the tentative questions to which authors could respond while proposing a paper as part of this panel.

  1. What are the similarities and differences in the orientation towards the concept of justice from the discipline of Law and Public Policy? Papers that could answer this question by presenting evidence using case laws and substantive public policies from the contexts of Liberal Constitution and Transformative Constitution are specifically welcomed.

  2. Is there any evidence for policy convergence among nation-states due to the work of International agencies, multi-lateral and bi-lateral agreements? Or does the evidence support the convergence of sectoral laws (e.g. labour laws) across nation-states since there is convergence of economic policies across border?

  3. What are sub-domains of Law (e.g. administrative law, planning law, regulatory law) that have shown high intersectionality with the questions of Public Policy? Among these sub-domain and other cases, under what conditions have judiciary acted for policy change? What are the situations in which law has been an impediment for policy change? These questions are suggestive. Any paper that addresses the issue of interface of Law and Public Policy is relevant for this panel.

How to submit paper proposal:

All details pertaining to the conference is available on http://www.icpublicpolicy.org/.

The panel on ‘Interface of Law and Public Policy’ is listed under the theme of Comparative Public Policy with a serial number of T02P06.

Paper proposals have to be submitted online using the special portal of the conference. Following is the process to submit the paper proposal:

  1. Create and/or to log in to your account at http://www.icpublicpolicy.org/ by clicking ICPP 3 – Singapore 2017.

  2. Select the panel of T02P06 under the theme of Comparative Public Policy.

  3. Enter the name of co-authors if need (each co-author must be registered first)

  4. Enter a title and an abstract of your proposal (500 words max.) Review of papers submitted will take place during 15 January 2017 to 15 February, 2017. Authors will be notified the outcome of submission after 15 February 2017. All selected papers will need to upload full paper on the conference website by 1 June 2017 to be eligible to make presentation during the conference. To present the paper, the authors need to be registered at the conference, details of which are available on conference website mentioned above. Registration begins on 5 January 2017, and fee details are available on the website.

Travel and Accommodation support: Note that there are competition based travel grants for Asian scholars and accommodation for Ph.D. scholars during the conference offered by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. For details you may look for information on the conference website.

Click here for further details.

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